Goals Journal

Product Details
New Day, New Luck! Set yourself short-term and long-term goals to keep on growing. And stay organized with this stylish Journal. Who run the world? Girls, Girls! :)
A goal’s achieved, many more goals are within your reach! Keep an overview of your goals with our Goals Journal!
One more step’s taken into the future. Graduating is like a breath of fresh air from the old routines of studying or maybe even your previous job. It is a must to appreciate those times of struggle and those much of effort to be where we are now. One of the way to appreciate them is to not let those hard times to be in vain. Having come this far, don’t let anything distract you from your goal of a bright and best future. No one ever will want to take their future for granted, so do you, right?
With one more goal accomplished, you need to set new further goals to keep you motivated. High motivating goals come in pair with great plans. Planning is a best way to keep us on track. Planning can make it easier to put everything in order and decrease the failure possibilities in the future. With that in mind, this graduation gift will be perfect to be given to your graduating loved ones or colleagues starting a new chapter in life.
A goals journal to write down their short-term and long-term goals. Designed with elegant style and adorable color to excite them into writing their new goals in bright new days. Added with beautiful pages on the inside to brighten up their mood. Decorated with a cute bookmarker to help them find their last seen page faster and to make sure they don’t miss anything. It’s a perfect size and easy to be brought and used anytime, anywhere. This goals journal will help you express your care and thoughtfulness for your loved ones. A perfect sweet gift to reward people for their effort and also to show them how you care and appreciate their goals. If you can show your care while persuading your loved ones to do good things at the same time, why not?