12 Great Examples of MC Scripts for Recitation Events with Various Themes

Discover 12 exceptional MC scripts tailored for recitation events, featuring diverse themes to enhance your presentations and engage your audience effectively.

MC scripts are crucial for running a successful event. Their main purpose is to ensure everything flows smoothly and is organized properly. Recitation events, in particular, often rely on well-crafted MC scripts. There are plenty of examples available that cater to different engaging themes.


Some common recitation events include celebrations like Maulid Nabi, school farewell ceremonies, and more. The role of the MC, or Master of Ceremony, is to present the event using clear, effective, and assertive spoken language. Below are some examples of MC scripts that can be used for recitation events based on different themes!


Example of an MC Script for a Recitation Event


1. Hijri New Year

When creating an MC script for a recitation event, it's essential to begin with a formal greeting, expression of gratitude, and welcome. Here's an example:


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, wabihi nasta'in, wa ala umuriddunya waddin, wa Shallallahu ala sayyidina Muhammadin, waala alihi wa sahbihi ajmain.


We would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to Allah SWT for blessing us with the opportunity to gather here today. We are also deeply thankful to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, who guided us from darkness to light through the teachings of Islam.


On this special occasion, we are honored to host a grand recitation event in celebration of the Hijri New Year. We hope that this event will run smoothly from start to finish, and we ask for your participation and cooperation in making it a success.


2. Iftar Event at School

When organizing events at schools or educational institutions, it is crucial to show respect to the leadership, staff, and students involved. Here’s an example of how to convey this sentiment effectively:


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Dear Principal [Name], esteemed teachers, and dedicated staff of SMP [School Name],


I would also like to take a moment to recognize my fellow students, whom I am honored to share this space with.


We want to express our sincere gratitude to Allah SWT for granting us the opportunity to come together for this Iftar recitation event at our school. Our hope is that this afternoon's gathering will proceed smoothly and without any challenges, allowing us to fully enjoy this special occasion together.


3. Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

When celebrating the Maulid of Prophet Muhammad SAW, it’s important to have a well-structured program that honors this significant occasion. The format for tonight’s recitation event follows a similar structure to our previous gatherings, beginning with welcoming remarks and expressions of gratitude. However, there are a few additional elements to enhance the experience. Here’s how our program is laid out for the evening:


Tonight, we come together to celebrate the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Our agenda for this special evening includes:

  1. Opening

  2. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an

  3. Recitation of Sholawat 

  4. Remarks

  5. Religious Lecture

  6. Joint Prayer

  7. Announcement

  8. Closing 


4. Isra' Mi'raj 

Feel free to incorporate this example when discussing the sequence of events for the Isra' Mi'raj.


We’re thrilled to have all of you here with us tonight! To help everything run smoothly and keep us on schedule, I’d like to walk you through what we have planned for this evening:

  1. Opening

  2. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an

  3. Remarks

  4. Religious Lecture

  5. Recitation of Prayers

  6. Closing


5. Grand Religious Gathering

Grand Religious GatheringAn illustration of a religious gathering led by the MC who is reading the event rundown. | Credit: Kumparan.

Let me share with you the lineup of activities we have planned for this grand occasion:


Without further ado, I’ll take the stage as your MC to present today’s agenda:

  1. Opening

  2. Recitation of the Holy Quran

  3. Remarks from the Event Chair

  4. Remarks from the Principal

  5. Religious Lecture

  6. Joint Prayer

  7. Closing


6. Wedding Religious Gathering


In the script for the wedding MC, it is common to quote the Quranic verse QS. Ar-Rum, verse 21, which states: “And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect.”.


7. Aqiqah Ceremony

Event Schedule:


Remarks from the Host Family

Recitation of Surah Ar-Rahman, Surah Yasin, and Tahlil

Recitation of Salawat and Maulid Nabi

Guidance (Tausiyah) and Closing Prayer


8. TPA Event

This type of event is typically kept short and simple since the participants are young children. Lengthy scripts from the MC can easily bore them 


9. Regular Recitation 

At each gathering, a specific theme is usually chosen that relates to the discussion during the Tausiyah session. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the theme that will be addressed.


10. Tahlil Recitation

This gathering generally follows the same schedule as the regular one, but it focuses solely on the recitation of Surah Yasin and Tahlil, without any Tausiyah.


11. Formal Recitation

Formal recitation MCs typically follow the same program structure, but with a more formal tone and language choice


12. Lailatul Qadr Night

After introducing the event sequence, you can wrap up with a closing statement like:


"We’ve reached the end of our iftar series, and I truly hope this event becomes a cherished tradition that brings us closer together each year.


As the host, I’d like to take a moment to step back and express my gratitude to all of you for being here. I also want to sincerely apologize if I’ve said anything that didn’t sit well with you.


On behalf of the entire committee, thank you once again for joining us today. We appreciate your presence and understanding, and I apologize if any of my words were less than perfect.


Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.”


This MC script structure can be adapted to fit various events. Feel free to craft your own unique and natural-sounding script.


To make your recitation event truly unforgettable, be sure to prepare some thoughtful souvenirs for your guests. Check out the Studiokado website, where you'll find a fantastic selection of merchandise perfect for your event!


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