Idul Fitri is a joyous occasion, a time when we celebrate victory after a full month of fasting. Apart from worship, the tradition of silaturahmi (maintaining relationships) is an inseparable part of this celebration. One way to strengthen bonds with family, friends, and relatives is by exchanging Idul Fitri greetings. For those who want to wish a more distinctive greeting, using Javanese phrases can be an interesting choice.
Javanese language has a variety of expressions that carry deep meaning and cultural nuance. Here are 20 examples of Idul Fitri greetings in Javanese that you can use to send warm wishes to your loved ones:
Examples of Lebaran Greetings in Javanese
1. "Sugeng Riyadi, Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, Nyuwun Agunging Pangapunten."
This greeting is one of the most commonly used during Idul Fitri in Javanese. It means "Happy Eid, please forgive me for all my mistakes."
2. "Selamat Idul Fitri, mugi-mugi dados pribadi ingkang langkung sae."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, may you become a better person."
3. "Nuwun sewu, mugi ampun saget lepat lan dosa, sugeng riyadi."
Meaning: "Please forgive me, may there be no mistakes and sins, happy Eid."
4. "Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, mugi-mugi Allah nampi amalan kita."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, may Allah accept our deeds."
5. "Riyadi, nyuwun pangapunten sing sethithik lan ageng, mugi-mugi rahmat Allah tansah nyertani kita."
Meaning: "Happy Eid, please forgive me for both minor and major mistakes, may Allah’s mercy always accompany us."
6. "Sugeng Idul Fitri, mugi tansah pinaringan kesehatan lan kabegjan."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, may you always be granted health and happiness."
7. "Idul Fitri punika wanci ingkang tepat kangge mbenahi laku lan ngajeni sesami."
Meaning: "Idul Fitri is the perfect time to improve our behavior and honor others."
8. "Mugi rahmat Allah tansah nglindhungi kita sedaya, sugeng riyadi."
Meaning: "May Allah’s mercy always protect all of us, happy Eid."
9. "Selamat Idul Fitri, mugi-mugi kita saget njaga tali silaturahmi lan ngelaksanani amal kebaikan."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, may we maintain our relationships and do good deeds."
10. "Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, nyuwun pangapunten lahir batin, mugi-mugi Idul Fitri nggawa berkah."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, please forgive me for my physical and spiritual mistakes, may Eid bring blessings."
11. "Idul Fitri nyathet ing pangajab lan pangapunten, semoga saget sinau dadi luwih becik."
Meaning: "Idul Fitri is a time to ask for forgiveness and learn to be better."
12. "Sugeng Idul Fitri, mugi segala dosa dipunlunturaken lan awak kabéh tansah pinaringan berkah."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, may all sins be forgiven and may we all be granted blessings."
13. "Nyuwun pangapunten lahir batin, mugi-mugi Idul Fitri nguripake kebahagiaan lan katentreman."
Meaning: "Please forgive me for my physical and spiritual mistakes, may Idul Fitri bring happiness and peace."
14. "Selamat Idul Fitri, mari kita perbaiki diri dan memperbanyak amal ibadah."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, let’s improve ourselves and increase our acts of worship."
15. "Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, nyuwun pangapunten, lan mugi kebahagiaan tansah ngiringi urip kita."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, please forgive me, and may happiness always accompany our lives."
16. "Sugeng Idul Fitri, mugi-mugi sinau dados langkung sabar lan ikhlas."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, may we learn to be more patient and sincere."
17. "Idul Fitri minangka wujud pangapura lan wujud tresna marang sesama, sugeng riyadi."
Meaning: "Idul Fitri is a form of forgiveness and love for others, happy Eid."
18. "Sugeng riyadi, nyuwun pangapunten, mugi lebaran iki nglantarake kita marang jalan sing luwih becik."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, please forgive me, may this Eid lead us to a better path."
19. "Sugeng Idul Fitri, mugi kita saged mbangun rasa empati lan gotong royong antar sesama."
Meaning: "Happy Idul Fitri, may we build empathy and cooperation among each other."
20. "Idul Fitri minangka kesempatan kanggo bali marang fitrah, sugeng riyadi."
Meaning: "Idul Fitri is an opportunity to return to our true nature, happy Eid."
Using Javanese Greetings to Strengthen Silaturahmi
In addition to leaving a deep impression, using Javanese for Eid greetings can also strengthen ties, especially with family and relatives who share Javanese cultural heritage. In Javanese tradition, the words spoken not only serve as greetings but also as a form of respect and good intentions to maintain harmonious relationships.
No matter which greeting you choose, the essence of Idul Fitri greetings is to forgive one another, maintain connections, and improve ourselves. By asking for forgiveness and sending warm wishes, we can spread happiness and goodness on this blessed day.
Idul Fitri is a meaningful time to renew relationships with others and find peace. In Javanese tradition, delivering heartfelt Eid greetings is a fitting way to forgive each other and strengthen silaturahmi. Choose a greeting that suits your mood and may each prayer spoken bring goodness to us all.
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