8 Rewarding and Useful Ramadan Activity Ideas at Home

Explore 8 enriching Ramadan activities to enjoy at home. Foster connection and spirituality during this holy month with these rewarding ideas.

The holy month of Ramadan is also known as the month of blessings, because in this month Allah SWT will multiply the rewards for every good deed done by humans. Therefore, the month of Ramadan is also a field of seeking rewards for Muslims.


There are many activities that you can do at home to harvest these rewards. What are they? Here are some ideas of rewarding Ramadan activities that you can do at home.


Rewarding Ramadan Activity Ideas


1. Reading the Qur'an

Reading the Qur'anUnlock greater rewards this Ramadan by immersing yourself in the Qur'an—experience the blessings like never before! | Credit: Google

In the month of Ramadan, reading the Qur'an or commonly called tadarus Al-Qur'an has many virtues. Starting from multiple rewards, providing peace of mind, being a cure for heart disease, perfecting fasting, and can create a luminous home.


So, reading the Qur'an can be a great Ramadan activity idea, to give you a break from worldly activities. This can be done at night in the second half of the night or after the morning prayer. However, reading the Qur'an is not limited by a specific time.


2. Participate in Online Religius Study

participate in Online Religius StudyDiscover the convenience of online learning today—save time and money while exploring endless study options! | Credit: Depositphotos

Another great Ramadan activity idea at home is to participate in an online religius study. With the internet and advanced technology, you can now listen to studies from anywhere without having to leave your home. 


Although the rewards may not be the same as attending a study session in person, online study also has its own privileges. Online religius studies are still a form of positive activity that you can do from home. In addition to getting rewards, you will also get useful knowledge in living life in accordance with Islamic law.


3. Virtual Learning Journey

Apart from participating in online religius studies, you can also access various platforms for online learning. This is also one of the rewarding and beneficial activities, because studying is part of noble worship. Even demanding knowledge is the same as jihad in the way of Allah SWT.


That's because the knowledge learned can enrich yourself and benefit society. So you can fill your Ramadan activities with online learning activities like this. Because online learning is very flexible regarding time, you can easily adjust it to the schedule of other activities.


4. Preparing the Menu for Iftar

Preparing the Menu for IftarGet ready for iftar! Preparing meals for your family is not just rewarding—it's a fantastic opportunity to master your cooking skills at home! | Credit: Shutterstock

Did you know that even small things like preparing iftar menus can bring rewards? Especially in the month of Ramadan, feeding people who are fasting is a form of charity that is rewarded by Allah SWT. This almsgiving can also be done to your family and relatives!


So, you can keep yourself busy at home by preparing a special iftar menu. You don't have to be alone, you can also invite other family members to participate in this useful activity. Finally, the delicious iftar menu can be enjoyed together after the maghrib call to prayer.


5. Breaking the Fast Together

Breaking the Fast TogetherShare the joy of breaking fast with friends and family—it's a timeless way to stay connected, anytime! | Credit: Google

Who knew that breaking fast together could turn into a heartwarming Ramadan experience at home? If you prefer to break your fast outside, you need to know that breaking your fast with your family at home has its own privileges.


Apart from the fact that breaking the fast together is recommended by Prophet Muhammad SAW, breaking the fast with your family at home will make you more harmonious with other family members. Occasionally, you can also invite friends to come to your house and break the fast together.


6. Sunnah Prayer

Sunnah prayers performed in Ramadan will be rewarded with greater rewards, so don't miss out on this holy month of worship! Sunnah prayers that you can do at home include the sunnah shuruq prayer, rawatib prayer, dhuha prayer, hajat prayer, and tahajud prayer.


If you have an excuse or are unable to do, you can also pray tarawih alone at home. Tarawih prayer in Ramadan has many virtues, such as gaining blessings in the holy month, expanding sustenance, being forgiven for past sins, and calming the heart and mind.


7. Light Exercise

The next rewarding at-home Ramadan activity idea is light exercise. Basically, Islam recommends exercising because this physical activity is very beneficial for maintaining health and improving the quality of life.  


So, exercising lightly during Ramadan with the intention of maintaining your health can also be rewarded. This activity is certainly better than being lazy and sleeping all day. Because being lazy can actually reduce the meaning of fasting itself. 


As for light exercise that you can do, for example walking, light gymnastics, or yoga. So that the body does not get tired and make fasting feel heavy, exercise should be adjusted to each ability. You can do it before dawn, before breaking the fast, or after breaking the fast at night.


8. Cleaning the House

Instead of being confused waiting for the time to break the fast, you can spend your ngabuburit time with useful activities such as cleaning the house. If there are children in the house, cleaning the house can be one of the fun activities.


Not only sweeping and mopping, you can repaint the walls and do it together. This is a great activity to do ahead of Eid, as it will make your house cleaner on Eid day.


These are some ideas of useful Ramadan activities that you can do at home. By doing a lot of light activities like these, it will soon be time to break your fast and you won't be focusing on hunger and thirst. Jump in and enjoy the experience!


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