The Benefits and Implementation of Onboarding

Explore the advantages of onboarding and find practical strategies for implementing a program that fosters employee satisfaction and productivity.

No companies ever wish for a high turnover rate—as it is a dangerous sign, both financial and morally. To prevent turnovers from happening, onboarding activities could be a crucial moment in the company history with their employees.


A decent onboarding plays a big role in establishing a long-running journey between the company and its new employee. If you work in HR (Human Resource), it is important to learn about onboarding—and how to make it good. To learn more about onboarding, including the benefits and implementation, we got you covered!


What is Onboarding?

What is Onboarding?What is onboarding? | Credit: Kumparan

The perfect onboarding significantly improves the development of an employee’s journey in their company. Onboarding helps new-hires to adapt in the company’s environment, so they can work efficiently in accordance with the rest of the team.


Onboarding is more than just an introduction to the rules and procedures of a company. More than doing your own work, as an employee of a company, a new-hire needs to go through a process of adapting to the company’s culture—adjusting to blend and fit in with all aspects of the company.


In order to accommodate all the preparations needed for the new-hire to become a proper employee, onboarding needs more than just one or two days. It goes on for a few weeks, and in the process, new-hires get to know basic information regarding the company—how it was established, divisions and departments, organizational structure, facilities, and many more.


Onboarding and orientation are two different activities. In fact, orientation is a part of onboarding, which introduces the company’s environment to the new-hires. Onboarding is a form of engagement by the company to the new-hires, so they could adapt well in their new work environment. 


The Benefits of Onboarding


1. Helping the New-hires to Adapt

After learning about the definition of onboarding, let’s move on to the benefits. First, it helps new-hires to adapt better with the work environment in their new company. New-hires not only get the explanation of the workplace rules, but also go through their new position and the responsibilities that come with it.


To adapt and get accepted in a new environment, isn’t it important to understand the basics and go along with it? To get employees to obey the rules, companies need to let them know how important their positions are. This is an important thing to describe through the process of company onboarding.


2. Introducing the Job

Orientation is also a part of onboarding. Therefore, this process plays a big part in introducing new-hires to their job description. Understanding one’s job is important to avoid works from overlapping.


When an employee understands their job description, they can do their work and responsibility well—just as what the company needs. A job description is not limited to procedural documents from the HR, but also includes the conceptual mindset, technical qualifications, and the mentality needed as an employee.


3. Increasing Employee Satisfaction

At the start of this article, it was mentioned that onboarding is one of the efforts that companies need to do to reduce the turnover rate. Onboarding helps to increase employee satisfaction. When a company gives their support to their employee, especially a new-hire, they would feel accepted.


Accordingly, the new-hire will see the company in a positive light, allowing them to get a satisfactory work experience. A satisfied, loyal employee has a higher chance to work longer for a company than those who aren’t.


4. Boosting Productivity and Performance

Other than the employee’s satisfaction, onboarding also boosts the productivity and performance of an employee. By going through the company’s onboarding process, new-hires will get a better grasp regarding their role and work in the team, so they could start working more efficiently.


5. Ice Breaking Process

Not only learning about their position and responsibilities in the office, new-hires also need to build good communication between co-workers in order to do a good job. The onboarding could be an ice breaking process, decreasing the gap between the older employees and the new-hires.


How to Implement Onboarding


1. Do Pre-Onboarding First

To make sure the company’s onboarding goes well, it is preferred to do pre-onboarding first. In pre-onboarding, HR should send out emails to new-hires, notifying them about the information needed before they start working.

Pre-onboarding is crucial to inform the new-hires, so at the first day of work, they already took notes about the basics of the company. Besides, a pre-onboarding saves time and prevents the new-hires from coming late to the onboarding.


2. Arrange the Onboarding Plans

It is important to arrange the onboarding plans thoroughly. Set a clear goal at the beginning—when to introduce the new-hires to the work system, company culture, their position and workload, etc.

Preparing a comprehensive guide will be helpful for future onboarding activities. Don’t forget to plan every schedule and activities with care!


3. Maximize Interactions

As mentioned above, onboarding can’t be done in just a mere one or two days. Thus, HR and direct supervisors need to maximize their interactions with the new-hires. A communicative interaction can benefit the company in nurturing their employee’s loyalty and cultural alignment, establishing a solid engagement between the company and its new-hires.


4. Company Tour

The easy way to implement onboarding in your company is by scheduling a company tour. The first day of work would be a good option for the new-hires to take a look around the company and learn the basics. Company tour can be used as a platform to directly introduce new-hires to the company—the work system and environment, divisions and teams, and many more, which would be useful for the first steps of their fresh start.


What do you think? We hope our article can help you to make the most suitable onboarding for your company—especially if you work in HR. May the process go well, and good luck to the new-hires!

Leave an everlasting impression on your new-hires with special goods from Studiokado! With a wide variety of merchandise options, we guarantee it will be the perfect onboarding kit to accompany them in their upcoming journey.




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