Tips on Using Corporate Gifts at Eid al-Fitr

There are many hurdles when using corporate gifts, such as bad reception or the package not being used nor useful at all. To prevent that from happening

Eid al-Fitr is a great opportunity to give out gifts
Eid al-Fitr is a great opportunity to give out gifts | Credit: Pexels

Eid al-Fitr or commonly called Lebaran in Indonesia is soon arriving! Regarded as one of the biggest days of celebration in Islam and marking the end of Ramadan, it is the time when all Muslims celebrate for 2 whole days to commemorate being able to fast throughout the month of Ramadan. Often more than not, Eid al-Fitr is spent by Muslims through holding a big celebration with relatives, eating through a multitude of meals, and spending some quality time with family members. At times like these, companies usually do some corporate gifting by giving out Hampers during Eid, which is the activity of giving items willingly by a company in order to create a relationship with employees, clients, and/or potential clients. Most of the time, these companies take this opportunity because it’s a great reason to give gifts to employees, clients, and/or potential clients in order to achieve a certain goal; perhaps their goal is to build or strengthen the relationship with a certain client, heighten employee morale, and many other things.

However, utilizing corporate gifts to achieve your goals as a company this way is trickier than you might imagine. There are many hurdles when using corporate gifts, such as bad reception or the package not being used nor useful at all. To prevent that from happening, here are some tips to maximize your chances of success when sending out corporate gifts at Eid al-Fitr:

Read : A Safe Corporate Gift You Can Give Your Employe

1. Send out theme-appropriate gifts

Theme-appropriate gifts will always be appreciated by anyone else at Eid al-Fitr
Theme-appropriate gifts will always be appreciated by anyone else at Eid al-Fitr | Credit: Studiokado

As stated before, Eid al-Fitr has always been the time for Muslims all over the world to reconnect and spend quality time with their loved ones through their faith in God; it’s the day where Muslims celebrate their ‘victory;’ they were able to go through a full month of fasting and give thanks towards everyone for all they’ve been blessed with. They’re also going to spend the whole 2 days spending time with their family, eating and drinking in the process. Considering that, there are some foods, such as Nastar cookies and dates, that are eaten not only at Eid al-Fitr, but also throughout Ramadan. This means that gifting these types of items, the items that are usually consumed or used throughout Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, can be one of the best choices for gifts to give at this moment because not only are the receivers going to use them frequently, they’re also going to remember who gave it to them. 

2. Be genuine

Genuinity will always be felt by gift receivers
A physical letter always has been considered more meaningful than a digital one | Credit: Monstera from Pexels

When it comes to corporate gifting, it can create a connection between the company that gives out the gifts, and can create positive associations with said company with the receiver, whether it be employees, clients, and/or potential clients. The notion of gifts as a whole is that they are given without expecting any benefit from it, but usually corporate gifting is done by companies who are aiming to reach a certain goal. However, that’s not to say that you should give out gifts to your employees, clients, and/or future clients just for the sake of reaching your goal because it could affect the overall vibe of your gifts; your employees, clients, and/or future clients can sense if a gift is solely given for the purpose of reaching the company’s goals or that there’s genuinity behind those gifts. Give out corporate gifts if you genuinely appreciate the receivers and they will certainly appreciate it.

Read : Surprise Gift Boxes And Using Them To Strengthen Relationships

3. Don't expect too much

As stated before, corporate gifting is done by companies that want to reach a certain goal by gifting employees, clients, and/or future clients items that they might appreciate. However, sometimes things just don’t go your way no matter how much preparation you’ve done. It’s important to plan out how you and what you are gifting, but it’s also important to not expect your plan to work out all the time.

We hope this brief article can help you in doing some corporate gifting for Eid al-Fitr towards your employees, clients, and/or future clients. If you ever need help in making a corporate gift box for your Eid al-Fitr corporate gifting, feel free to reach out to us!

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